Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Have questions about Mini Entrepreneurs of RI and our events? We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you get the information you need quickly. Whether you’re interested in participating, volunteering, or supporting our young entrepreneurs, you’ll find all your answers here.

General Information

What is the Mini Kids Fair?

The Mini Kids Fair is an event designed to expose young children to entrepreneurship. It is designed with intention and purpose. Children will be given the opportunity, with the support of a parent/guardian, to create a product / service to sell. The goal is to have educational fun, for all!


How do I register?

Fill out the registration form by clicking on “Register” on the home page. We encourage you to fill out the registration form with your child as it serves as a business plan as well.

Get Involved

Where will my funds go if I donate or sponsor?

Without our donors and sponsors this event is not possible! It takes our community! Your funds will go towards funding start-up costs for children’s businesses, resources for families, venue costs, technology rentals, catering expenses, volunteer thank-you packages, t-shirts for Mini Entrepreneurs, and supplies and materials.